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A417 & Mill Lane, Perrybrook

Joint Clients: ERLP Sàrl and The Society of Merchant Venturers as Endowment Trustee for St Monica Trust

Appointed as Utilities Consultants to the enabling works phase of the Perrybrook development to the north of Brockworth in Gloucestershire, consisting of the construction of an exit slip-road road to the A417, widening of ¾ mile of existing carriageway and formation of new sports pitches.

Diversion of existing above and below ground utility services, streetlighting alterations, the installation of new utilities infrastructure to serve the phased development and provision of new utility connections to existing properties were managed on behalf of the Development Partners.

Client feedback: “The enabling work's scope consisted of construction of a slip-road to the A417, widening of approximately ¾ mile of the carriageway, construction of sports pitches and associated landscaping.

A critical element of this was the co-ordination of the diversion of existing utilities and management of new utility services applications for both the enabling works and the wider development.

Solution:Positive (now Infrastructure:Solutions) had an excellent understanding of the landowner's requirements and have been a critical cog to the successes of this development and the ongoing co-ordination between existing developers and new potential developers.

They have approached this development with a professional attitude and provided economical solutions to problems that have arisen during the project.”

Sushil Patel

Senior Project Manager, Carter Jonas #utilitesinfrastructure


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